The following are results from InsiderAdvantage surveys in “Sunbelt Battleground” states:
All surveys conducted by cell/text; weighted for age, race, gender, and political affiliation.
800 LV; MOE 3.0%; 9/29-30
Trump 49%
Harris 48%
Other 1%
Undecided 2%
800LV; MOE 3.52%; 9/29-30
Trump 49%
Harris 48%
Other 1%
Undecided 2%
North Carolina
800LV; MOE 3.46%; 9/29-9/30
Trump 50%
Harris 49%
Other < 1%
Undecided 1%
800LV; MOE 3.7%; 9/29-30
Harris 48%
Trump 48%
Other 1%
Undecided 3%
Brief Analysis by InsiderAdvantage Pollster Matt Towery:
We see signs of Donald Trump gaining momentum in each of the states we surveyed where he led and potentially even in Georgia, where the race is tied. Our surveys contain only the horserace and demographics, but we added a question following a response to the horserace which asks respondents how they believe “the majority” of their neighbors will vote. This has been a reliable component of evaluating prior Trump races, eliminating the “shy Trump” voter issue. In each state the response to “the neighbors” question expanded Trump’s lead well beyond the margin of error. But it is important to note that all of the results in the horserace surveys are well within the margins of error, which makes this an extremely close contest.
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