InsiderAdvantage National Survey: Biden Approval at 39%; Trump Approval at 50%; 61% Believe Nation has “Two Tier” Justice System

An InsiderAdvantage survey of likely voters in the U.S. shows approval for Joe Biden’s job performance at 39% (a seventeen point negative gap), while approval for the performance of Donald Trump as President-Elect is at 50% (an eight point positive difference). Following Biden’s pardon of Hunter Biden, 61% of Americans now believe that there are “two tiers of justice” in the nation.

The survey of 1000 likely voters was conducted December 3-4 and has a margin of error of 3.04%

The Results:

Biden Job Performance

Approve 38%

Disapprove 55%

No Opinion/Undecided 7%

Trump Job Approval (as President-Elect)

Approve 50%

Disapprove 42%

No Opinion/Undecided 8%

Following Hunter Biden pardon, believe “we have two tiers of justice” in the U.S.

Yes, likely to believe we have two tiers 61%

No, unlikely to believe we have two tiers 23%

No Opinion/Undecided 16%

Analysis from InsiderAdvantage pollster Matt Towery:

President Biden’s approval rating has dropped to just twenty-seven among independent voters. Twenty-one percent of Democrats and thirty-five percent of African Americans disapprove of his job performance. And on thirty-nine percent of female voters approve of Biden’s performance. These usual sources of support suggest significant damage to Democrats at the present time.

Meanwhile President-Elect Trump has unusually high approval among African Americans (32%) and Hispanic/Latinos (49%). And the once significant problem with female voters has all but vanished.

As to the impact of the Hunter Biden pardon, there appears to be consolidation among various demographics who believe that the country6 has a two tied system of justice. Every demographic has a majority believing that the two tier treatment exists. Only Democrats failed to have a majority believing that it exists, but even there a plurality (45%) said they believe the two tier system is in place.

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